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1. Korean labor union act - article 45 - adjustment preceding system - mediation required before strike
2. Korean labor union act: Lockout due to Union strikes: defensive lockout is accepted as a just action
3. Korean labor law app development: MOEL documents will be uploaded with 6 sections and distributed.
4. Establishing a labor union at Gugak center and applying for bargaining unit separation
5. Korean labor union act’s revisions - employers’ scope has been larger - civil claim is restricted.
6. Korean labor union - restriction on hiring by employer during industrial action
7. Korean labor union act - prohibition of acts of violence, etc - responsibility for criminal charges
8. Korean labor union - article 41 - restriction and prohibition of industrial action - majority Union have to vote in favor of industrial action.
9. Korean labor union act: understanding of Samsung electronics company labor union’s strikes related to salary increase in 2024
10. Korean labor union act: Article 38 (Guidance and Responsibility of Trade Union)
11. Korean labor union act, Article 37: basic principles of industrial action; justifiable purpose, methods, & processes
12. Korean labor union act article 35 - general binding force of collective agreement - majority union’s collective agreement applies to other non-union workers.
13. Korean labor union act Article 34: interpretation of collective bargaining agreement - to the Labor Labor Commission
14. Korean labor union act, article 33 - validity of terms and conditions for collective agreement
15. Korean labor union act - article 32: valid term of collective agreement- 3 years as a maximum period
16. Korean labor union act: drawing up of collective agreement- It is made in writing and signed by both parties: Employer and the Labor Union
17. Korean labor union act, Article 30 - principle of negotiations- if violated, it become unfair labor
18. Korean labor union management is introduced in a group of related items: information, manual, videos making a labor unions and causing unfair labor practices
19. Korean labor union act - Article 29-4, duty of fair representation
20. Korean labor union: union chairman to have authority of collective bargaining and making agreements
21. App development: grouping wages and severance pay, working hours - annual leave - holiday, and union
22. Korean labor union act Article 24: paid time-off of labor union officers - by collective agreement
23. Korean labor union: General meeting and agenda items for decision-making, it’s functions
24. Korean labor union’s bylaw, an essential document to operate it independently and democratically
25. Korean labor union: how to establish a labor union - registering union in the government -Article 10
26. Korean labor law: Prohibition of discrimination for labor union members because of race, sex, age
27. Korean labor law: requirements for protection of labor union - Article 7 of the labor union act
28. Korean labor union: scope of membership, exceptions of union membership by law &collective agreement
29. Korean labor law: union’ strikes exempt from damage claims and regarded as a justifiable activities
30. Korean labor law: industrial action like strike, slowdown strike, picketing, lockout
31. Korean labor union: labor disputes, how to mediate labor disputes in the mediation committee
32. Korean labor law: labor union - definition, independence, purpose, organization - disqualified union
33. Korean labor law: definition of employer - business owner, in charge of business, & HR team members
34. Korean labor law: concept of employee in the Labor Standards Act and worker in the Labor Union Act
35. Korean labor law: constitution of Korea - origins of the labor standards act and the labor union act
36. Korean labor law applications: collective agreement, rules of employment, labor contract, and la
37. Korean labor union act: lock-out in the industrial action as the employer’s protective measures
38. Korean labor law: prohibition to use external workers during strikes in the Labor Union Act
39. Korean labor union: mediation before collective action - legal requirement for justifiable strikes
40. Korean union act: justification of labor union strikes - subject, purpose, procedure, and methods
41. Korean labor law: occupation of workplaces during union strike and its justification
42. Korean labor law: cancellation of collective agreements, effects of cancelled collective agreements
43. how to make collective agreement, and the effective term of collective agreement
44. Korean labor law: determination of working conditions- mutual agreement on equal footing
45. Korean labor law: difference between employees and workers, and their related applications
46. Korean collective agreement violating company’s managerial rights was abolished by expiration of CBA
47. Korean labor law: Korea railroad workers’ union strikes and justification of their industrial action
48. Korean quarterly labor magazine published: “Labor cases” for the autumn of 2023 (volume 63).
49. Korean labor union making and registering at the labor administration
50. Korean Labor: the company became bankrupt due to the infringement of the company’s managerial right
51. Korean labor law: emotional workers, especially call center workers, and their working conditions
52. Korean labor union strike exempted from civil damage claim and criminal liabilities - related case
53. Korean labor union: medical workers’ union and their strike, justification of industrial action
54. Korean labor union: multiple labor unions, duty of fair representation, and sharing paid time-off
55. Korean labor union: judging industrial action through the strike schedule of the Metal Workers' Union
56. Korean labor law: union members wearing jacket with letters of union slogans were excluded from work, which is a type of unfair labor practice.
57. Korean labor: frequently asked questions regarding employment issues and disputes in the workplace 14 chapters 213 questions.
58. managerial rights - where they come from and what are managerial rights?
59. the proposed agenda in the labor union act - the yellow envelope law - articles 2 & 3 of the Labor Union Act
60. Introduction of 2nd edition of Labor Union Manual
61. plural labor unions and the duty of fair representation
62. Korean labor law and Union Official’s activities
63. Korean labor law and collective bargaining body
64. Korean labor law and disqualification of labor union
65. Korean labor law and and parcel delivery workers labor union
66. Korean labor law: a labor case related to establishment of a labor union for foreign teachers
67. Korean labor law and justification of union strike
68. Korean labor law and lockout (employer’s industrial actions)
69. Korean labor law and restrictions on replacing workers on strike
70. Korean labor law: An airline labor union’s first collective agreement in 25 years
71. Korean labor law: a collective bargaining case with university janitors’ labor union
72. Korean labor law and labor union
73. Korean labor law and foreign workers’ labor union
74. Korean Labor Union Manual
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