Labor Inspection Preparation

Chapter 6 Employment Adjustment

An employer shall not discriminate against men or women in other payments besides wages, welfare, training, deployment, and promotion. ※ Punishable with a fine not to exceed five million WON

Ensuring Equal Opportunity and Treatment for Men and Women (Article 9, 10)

1)An employer shall not discriminate against men or women in managing welfare programs such as payment of money and goods or loans other than wages in a bid to support workers lives.
2)Other payments besides wages : Living subsidizing or welfare allowances such as house rending or housing allowance, family allowance, transportation allowance, commuting allowance and Kim-Chi allowance, housing loan, etc.

*Equal Employment Opportunity and Work-Family Balance Assistance Act

Article 9 (Money, Goods, etc. other than Wages)

No employer shall discriminate on grounds of gender in providing welfare, such as money, goods or similar, loan of funds, in order to subsidize the living of his/her workers aside from wages.

[This Article Wholly Amended by Act No. 8781, Dec. 21, 2007]

Article 10 (Education, Assignment, and Promotion)

No employer shall discriminate on grounds of gender in education, assignment, and promotion of his/her workers.

[This Article Wholly Amended by Act No. 8781, Dec. 21, 2007]

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