Quarterly Labor cases

Labor Cases volumn 46 _ Contractual Working Hours and the Inclusive Wage System
Summer 2019 - Volume.46

Labor Cases

I. Contractual Working Hours and the Inclusive Wage System.........................................1
II. Extinctive Prescription System under the Labor Standards Act....................................7
III. Case Study: Dismissal after Signing Employment Contract but before Official Start of Work......12
IV. Feature articles: Working Hours, Holidays and Annual Paid Leave
1. Guidelines for Calculation Working Hours....................................................17
2. Working Conditions of Part-time Workers.....................................................20
3. Driver of Director Paid less than Statutory Allowances......................................25
4. Petition for Unpaid Weekly Holiday Allowance................................................30
5. Contractual Holidays and Contractual Leave..................................................32
6. Case Study: Managing Director’s Overtime Work Allowance and Unused annual Leave............36
7. Annual Leave ; Granting Annual Leave........................................................40

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