Labor Inspection Preparation

Chapter 1 Employment Relations

A Registry of the workers shall be made and preserved. ※ Punishable by a fine for the offense not to exceed five million WON

(1)Statement of Terms of Employment (Article 17 of the LSA, Article 8 of the Enforcement Decree)
An employer shall clearly state remuneration, contractual working hours, holidays, annual paid leave, place of employment and work to be performed and other related matters.
For matters as to each constituent items of remuneration, the methods of calculation and payment, holidays, and annual paid leave shall be specified in writing and the employee contract shall be issued to the employee even if the employee don’t require it.

(2)Working Conditions to be specified:
1) Remuneration; 2) Contractual working hours; 3) Holidays; 4) Annual paid leave; 5) Place of employment and work to be performed; 6) Matters to be stipulated in the Rules of Employment (ROE); and 7) Matters determined by dormitory rules, in case of having workers lodge in a dormitory attached to the workplace

*Labor Standards Act

▶Article 41 (Register of Workers)
(1) An employer shall prepare a register of workers by workplace, containing each worker's name, birth date, personal history, and other items as prescribed by Presidential Decree.
(2) When there is any change in the items stated on the register of workers pursuant to paragraph (1), correction shall be made without delay.

▶Article 42 (Preservation of Documents in Relation to Contract)

An employer shall, for three years, preserve a register of workers and other important documents related to labor contracts as prescribed by Presidential Decree.

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