Labor Law Q&A details

Chapter 4 Working Environment and Disciplinary Action

Compulsory Education

It is said that there is compulsory education under Korean labor law. What kind of compulsory education exists in Korea?

There are four types of compulsory education under Korean labor law.
i) Preventing sexual harassment at work;
ii) Protecting personal information;
iii)Safety&health education, and;
However, each type of education has its own target audience and content, so please refer to the following information. (Retirement pension education was excluded from the table below as it is only mandatory for businesses that have introduced retirement pensions.)

In addition, towards preventing accidents while working, the employer shall provide safety and health education for new workers, regularly for existing workers, and for workers changing jobs within the company, and special education as necessary (Article 31). Those business entities excluded from safety and health education are i) those that use only office employees; ii) any business that ordinarily employs fewer than 5 workers, and iii) education services and foreign agencies (Article 3).

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