Types of Visa

C : Short-term Stays

  • C-3 : Short-term visit
    • Except C-3-2 ~ C-3-9

      A. Eligible Candidates

      You are eligible to apply if you are participating in TV and Radio shows, friendly sporting
      matches, events or conferences in the ROK, including sports competitions (golf, soccer, etc.)
      with set cash prizes for finalists*.

      * Even if the host party provides you with flight tickets and living expenses for your trip, you
      are still considered eligible applicants for C-3-1 visas. Nevertheless, if you receive monetary
      compensation separate from the cash prizes, exceeding the flight and living expenses, you will
      not be eligible to apply for the C-3-1 visa.

      ※ For friendly matches, KIS will look at a contract and review whether the contract exceeds
      the average living expenses.

      You intend to stay in Korea for a short period of time in order to build technological or
      functional capabilities at a government agency, company, etc.

      ※ You fall under this category if you are paid the amount not exceeding living expenses,
      however, if you are paid an official salary for your work during the technical/functional
      training period, you fall under Industrial Trainee (D-3-1) status.

      You are a Korean citizen whose living base is located abroad and need to enter Korea, being
      accompanied by a locally hired domestic worker (household helper) for humanitarian causes*
      and stay for a short period of time (less than 90 days)

      ※ Humanitarian causes include domestic workers giving hands to parenting, nursing, funeral
      procedure and other activities of a Korean national who recently gave a birth.

      In accordance with Article 37 of the Refugee Act, a visa with a maximum period of stay
      for 90 days will be issued to spouses and children of those with refugees status for the
      purpose of family unification. (KIS will confirm whether the applicant has been recognized
      as refugees, documents that were submitted to prove their family relations, their desire to be
      reunited as a family, and etc.)

      You are entering Korea for the purpose of engaging in all C-3 activities except permissible
      activities on C-3-2 Group Tourist through C-3-9 Ordinary Tourist visas.
For further questions, please
call (+82) 2-539-0098 or email bongsoo@k-labor.com