Kangnam Labor Law Firm News
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노동법 해설
노동 사건 사례
MOEL Manuals, Guidelines, Q&A
고용노동부 매뉴얼, 지침, 질의회시집
500 Supreme Court Judgments Concerning Labor Law
노동판례 500선
Understanding labor law, Employee Status
노동법의 이해, 근로자성 판단
Workplace Restructuring
Foreign Employment and Visa
Labor Union
Working Hours, Holiday, Leave
Irregular Employment
Employment Contract
Industrial Accident Compensation
Bullying and Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
직장 내 괴롭힘과 성희롱 예방
Labor Inspection
HR templates for forms, regulations
인사관리 모든 양식과 규정
Employment Contract Management
근로계약 관리
Rules of Employment Management
취업규칙 관리
Wage and Severance Pay Management
임금, 퇴직금 관리
Working Hours, Annual Leave, and Holiday Management
근로시간, 연차휴가, 휴일 관리
Irregular Employment Management
비정규직 관리
Foreign Employment and Visa
외국인 고용과 비자
Employment Insurance Management
고용보험 관리
Industrial Accident Compensation Management
산재보상 관리
Bullying and Sexual Harassment in the Workplace Management
직장 내 괴롭힘과 성희롱 예방 관리
Self-Assessment Checklist for Labor Inspections
근로감독 자가진단 체크리스트
Dismissal (Disciplinary Action) Management
해고 (징계) 관리
Workplace Restructuring Management
구조조정 관리
Labor Union Management
노동조합 관리
Establishment, Composition, and Registration of Labor-Management Council
노사협의회 작성 및 신고
Payslip Calculation
임금명세서 자동계산
Severance Pay Calculation
퇴직금 자동계산
Retirement(severance) Income Tax Calculation
퇴직소득세 자동계산
Social Insurances
4대보험 자동계산
Annual Paid Leave Calculation
연차휴가 자동계산
Disability Benefits
장해보상 자동계산
Survivors’ Benefits
유족보상 자동계산
Civil Compensation Calculation
민사상 손해배상
Unemployment Benefits
실업급여 찾아먹기
Regular(Indefinite Term) Employment Contract
정규직 근로계약서 자동작성
Fixed-term Employment Contract
기간제 근로계약서 자동작성
Employment Contract for Part-Time Workers
단시간 근로계약서 자동작성
Employment Contract for Daily Workers
일용직 근로계약서 자동작성
Employment Contract for Minors
연소근로자 근로계약서 자동작성
Rules of Employment Management
취업규칙 관리
Self-Assessment Checklist for Labor Inspections
근로감독 자가진단 체크리스트
Labor Law Q&A details
기업을 위한 주요 Q&A 설명
Buy Books
출판물 구입
Bullying and Sexual Harassment in the Workplace Video
1. Korean labor law mandatory training- 1. Workplace harassment, 2. Sexual harassment, and 3. Persons with disabilities
2. Korean labor: workplace harassment reported to the Labor Office and follow-up action should be taken
3. Korean labor app : contents grouping - employment contract, workplace harassment and restructuring
4. Quarterly magazine “Labor Cases” has published. This is a summer 2024 version, volume 65 since 2008.
5. Korean labor attorney helped the employee who was forced to quit due to restructuring successfully.
6. Korean labor case: workplace harassment caused due to a remedy claim of the victim employee
7. workplace harassment causing miscarriage admitted as occupational accident 강남
8. Publication of Manual for preventing workplace harassment and sexual harassment
9. Korean labor: frequently asked questions regarding employment issues and disputes in the workplace 14 chapters 213 questions.
10. disciplinary action committee gathered for sexual harassment and bullying
11. Korean labor case: how to get unemployment benefits due to workplace harassment
12. when workplace harassment occurs, what measures should an employer take?
13. dismissal case-related legal opinions - 1. Violation of Disciplinary process, 2. Timing for settlement, 3. Workplace harassment
14. Korean labor law: a workplace harassment case and the responsibilities of the employer
15. Korean labor case: workplace harassment case and its judgment for whether that is harassment or not
16. in case of workplace harassment, what are the employer’s duties to implement?
17. concept, types and judgment of workplace harassment
18. definition, types, and judgment criteria of workplace harassment
19. workplace harassment and bullying, and criteria for judgment
20. Korean labor law and workplace harassment
21. Korean labor law and Workplace harassment prevention law
For further questions, please
call (+82) 2-539-0098
email bongsoo@k-labor.com