Labor Inspection Preparation

Chapter 11 Labor Union

An employer shall establish bylaws of Labor-management Council and shall submit it to the Labor Office. ※ Penalty for not established the Labor-management Councils: not less than 10 million WON/Penalty for not submitting the bylaws: fine up to 2 million WON

[Applies to companies with 30 employees or more]

Establishment of the Labor-Management Council(Article 4, Article 18)

▶All businesses that ordinarily hire more than 30 persons shall establish a labor-management council, establish its bylaws, and submit to the Minister of Labor within 15 days from the date of the the establishment of the Council.

※The labor-management council shall be established at each business or workplace which is vested with the right to decide the working conditions.

*Act On The Promotion of Workers' Participation and Cooperation]

Article 4 (Establishment of Labor-Management Council)(1) A labor-management council (hereinafter referred to as a "council") shall be established at each business or workplace which is vested with the right to decide working conditions: Provided, That this shall not apply to any business or workplace employing less than 30 people on a regular basis.
(2) In cases where one business has any workplace located in a different region, a council may be established at such workplace as well.
[This Article Wholly Amended by Act No. 8815, Dec. 27, 2007]

Article 18 (Council Bylaws)(1) A council shall establish bylaws governing its organization and oper- ation (hereinafter referred to as "council bylaws") and submit them to the Minister of Employment and Labor within 15 days from the date of establishment of the council. The same shall also apply in cases where they are amended.
(2) Necessary matters with regard to matters to be stipulated in council bylaws, procedures for establishment, amendment, etc. thereof shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree.
[This Article Wholly Amended by Act No. 8815, Dec. 27, 2007]

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