Labor Inspection Preparation

Chapter 6 Employment Adjustment

An employer shall not discriminate against men or women based on gender in recruitment and hiring. ※ Punishable with a fine not to exceed five million WON

Recruitment and Hiring (Article 7)
1)When recruiting and hiring female workers, an employer shall not present nor demand certain physical conditions such as appearance, height, weight, etc., unmarried status, and other conditions determined by the Ordinance of the Ministry of Labor, which are not required to perform a certain job for which the employer intends to recruit or hire.
2)The term “discrimination” means that an employer applies different conditions of employment or work to workers or takes any other disadvantageous measures against them without any reasonable reasons on account of sex, marriage, status within family, pregnancy, or child-birth, etc.
3)This includes the case where even if an employer applies the same hiring or working conditions to males and females, if the number of males or females who can meet the conditions is considerably less than that of the opposite sex
4)If this causes disadvantageous results to either sex, and if the conditions applied cannot be justified as fair ones, it shall constitute the discrimination.

*Equal Employment Opportunity and Work-Family Balance

Article 7 (Recruitment and Employment) (1) No employer shall discriminate on grounds of gender in recruiting or employing workers.
(2) In recruiting or employing female workers, no employer shall exhibit or demand physical conditions including appearance, height, weight and unmarried status not required for performing the relevant duties, or any other conditions prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Employment and Labor.
[This Article Wholly Amended by Act No. 8781, Dec. 21, 2007]

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