Labor Inspection Preparation

Chapter 3 Working hours, Recess, Off-Days and Leave

5. When an employee works on paid holiday, an employer will pay additional wages (fifty percent or more of the ordinary wages). When an employer works on paid holiday, an employer shall pay base pay, wages related to holiday work, and additional allowance respectively. ※ Punishable with a fine imprisonment of up to three years, or by a fine not to exceed twenty million WON

Holiday means the day exempt from duty to provide labor according to the law, collective agreement, or Rules of Employment (ROE). It has two types: statutory holiday and contractual holiday.
1) A Statutory Holiday: is a holiday provided by the law, which contains weekly holiday and Labor Day
2) A Contractual Holiday is a holiday stipulated by the collective agreement or the Rules of Employment (ROE), and its paid or non-paid shall be determined by mutual agreement.

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