Labor Inspection Preparation

Chapter 3 Working hours, Recess, Off-Days and Leave

1. Employees’ contractual working hours shall not exceed forty hours per week and eight hours per day excluding recess hours. ※ Punishable with a fine imprisonment of up to two years, or a fine not to exceed ten million won

Working hours (Article 50 and Article 69 of the LSA)
1) Working hours per week shall not exceed forty hours excluding recess hours, and Working hours per day shall not exceed eight hours excluding recess hours.
2) The workers' waiting hours under the employer's direction and supervision to work shall be regarded as working hours. (implemented from Aug 2, 2012).
3) Working hours of a person aged between 15 and 18 shall not exceed seven hours per day and forty hours per week.
4) Working hours exceeding contractual working hours shall be paid with an added allowance for extended working hours.
Article 50 (Work Hours)(1) Work hours shall not exceed 40 hours a week, excluding hours of recess.

(2) Work hours shall not exceed eight hours a day, excluding hours of recess.

(3) Upon calculating the work hours under paragraphs (1) and (2), any waiting time, etc. spent by workers under the direction and supervision of their employers that is necessary for the relevant work shall be deemed work hours.

Article 69 (Work Hours)

Work hours of a person at the age of not less than 15 and less than 18 shall not exceed seven hours per day and 40 hours per week: Provided, That the work hours may be extended only for one more hour per day and six more hours per week by an agreement between the parties concerned.

For further questions, please
call (+82) 2-539-0098 or email

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