Industrial Accident Compensation

Chapter 3. Industrial Accident Compensation Benefits

III. Survivors' Benefits

1. Funeral expenses
Funeral expenses are paid up to an amount equivalent to 120 days’ average wages, for a minimum of KRW 12 million and a maximum of KRW 16.7 million as of 2022.

2. Lump-sum survivors’ pension
To be paid if there are no eligible recipients for survivors’ compensation annuity. The amount is equivalent to 1,300 days average daily wages. Here, average daily wage is a minimum of KRW 73,280 and not more than KRW 232,664 as of 2022.

3. Survivors’ pension
- Calculating survivors’ compensation annuity:
Basic amount (average daily wage × 365 days × 47%) + additional amount (average daily wage × 365 × percentage by numbers of persons entitled to survivors’ compensation annuity)
- Average daily wage in 2022 between KRW 73,280 and KRW 232,664
For example, if the employee has a spouse and three children aged 24, 22, and 19, how is the survivors’ pension calculated?
Monthly survivors’ pension = average daily wage × 365 × (47% + number of beneficiaries) / 12 months. Therefore, the formula is average daily wage × 365 × 67% / 12 months.

※ Additional percentage for number of persons in surviving household

※ Scope of Persons Entitled to Survivors' Compensation Annuity (Article 63 of Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance Act)

The spouse of the relevant employee and any of the following survivors whose livelihood was supported by such employee at the time of the employee's death (excluding those who are not Korean nationals and living in other countries at the time of the employee’s death)
1. Parents or grandparents respectively aged at least 60 years;
2. Children aged under 25 years;
3. Grandchildren aged under 19 years;
4. Siblings aged under 19 years or at least 60 years;
5. Any person who is a child, parent, grandchild, grandparent, or sibling to whom none of subparagraphs 1 through 3 apply and to whom a disability level prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Employment and Labor applies, among persons with disabilities provided for in Article 2 of the Act on Welfare of Persons with Disabilities.
"Survivors whose livelihood was supported by the employee" refer to those to whom any of the following subparagraphs apply at the time of the employee's death:
1. A survivor who has lived with the employee in the same household on the resident registration card under the Resident Registration Act and all or substantial part of whose livelihood has been maintained by the employee's income;
2. A survivor, all or a substantial part of whose livelihood has been maintained by the employee's income but who was registered as residing in a different household than, or had not lived with, the employee due to study, employment, medical care, or other residential circumstances;
3. A survivor other than those referred to in subparagraphs 1 and 2, all or most part of whose livelihood has been maintained with the help of money and other valuables or economic support regularly provided by the employee.

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