Article 185 (General Obstruction of Traffic)

A person who damages, destroys or blocks a road, water-way, or bridge, or obstructs traffic by other means, shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than ten years or by a fine not exceeding fifteen million won.

Article 186 (Obstruction of Train and Vessel Traffic)

A person who, by damaging or destroying a railroad, light-house or its signal or by any other means, obstructs traffic of a train, electric car, automobile, vessel or aircraft, shall be punished by imprisonment for at least one year.

Article 187 (Derailing Train, etc.)

A person, who overturns, buries, crashes or destroys a train, electric car, automobile, vessel, or aircraft in which persons are actually present, shall be punished by imprisonment for life or at least three years.

Article 188 (Death or Injury caused by Obstruction of Traffic)

A person who commits any of the crimes of Articles 185 through 187, thereby injuring another person, shall be punished by imprisonment for life or for at least three years. If it results in death, the perpetrator shall be punished by imprisonment for life or for at least five years.

Article 189 (Negligence, Occupational Negligence, Gross Negligence)

(1) A person who, by negligence, commits the crimes of Articles 185 through 187 shall be punished by a fine not exceeding ten million won.
(2) A person who, by occupational or gross negligence, commits the crimes specified in Article 185, shall be punished by imprisonment without prison labor for not more than three years or by a fine not exceeding twenty million won.

Article 190 (Attempts)

Attempts to commit the crimes specified in Articles 185 through 187 shall be punished.

Article 191 (Preparations, Conspiracies)

A person who makes preparations or conspires with intent to commit the crimes of Article 186 or 187, shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than three years.

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call (+82) 2-539-0098 or email

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