Article 114 (The Election Commissions)

(1) The Election Commissions shall be established for the purpose of fair management of elections and national referenda, and dealing with administrative affairs concerning political parties.
(2) The National Election Commission shall be composed of three members appointed by the President, three members selected by the National Assembly, and three members designated by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. The Chairman of the Commission shall be elected from among the members.
(3) The term of office of the members of the Commission shall be six years.
(4) The members of the Commission shall not join political parties, nor shall they participate in political activities.
(5) No member of the Commission shall be expelled from office except by impeachment or a sentence of imprisonment without prison labor or heavier punishment.
(6) The National Election Commission may issue, within the limit of Acts and decrees, regulations relating to the management of elections, national referenda, and administrative affairs concerning political parties and may also establish regulations relating to internal discipline that are compatible with Act.
(7) The organization, function and other necessary matters of the Election Commissions at each level shall be determined by Act.

Article 115 (The Right to Instruct Administrative Agencies of Election Commissions)

(1) Election Commissions at each level may issue necessary instructions to administrative agencies concerned with respect to administrative affairs pertaining to elections and national referenda such as the preparation of the pollbooks.
(2) Administrative agencies concerned, upon receipt of such instructions, shall comply.

Article 116 (Election Campaigns, Expenditures for Elections)

(1) Election campaigns shall be conducted under the management of the Election Commissions at each level within the limit set by Act. Equal opportunity shall be guaranteed.
(2) Except as otherwise prescribed by Act, expenditures for elections shall not be imposed on political parties or candidates.

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