Labor Inspection Preparation

Chapter 6 Employment Adjustment

An employer shall pay the equal wage for the work of equal value in the same business. ※ Punishable with a fine imprisonment of up to three years, or by a fine not to exceed twenty million WON

Ensuring Equal Opportunity and Treatment for Men and Women (Article 8)
1)The criteria for the work of equal value shall be the skills, efforts, responsibility and working conditions, etc., required to perform the work. And in setting the criteria, an employer shall listen to opinions of a member representing employees at the Labor-Management Council.
2)It is not regarded as discrimination in cases where the employer discriminates wages based upon objective criteria of education, job experience, seniority, job grade, etc.

*Equal Employment Opportunity and Work-Family Balance Assistance Act

Article 8 (Wages)
(1) The employer shall provide equal pay for equal-value work within the identical business.
(2) Standards for equal-value work shall be skills, labor, responsibility, working conditions, etc. required for the performance of duties, and employers shall, in setting such standards, hear opinions of the member representing the workers at the labor-management council under Article 25.
(3) A separate business established by an employer for the purpose of wage discrimination shall be deemed an identical business.
[This Article Wholly Amended by Act No. 8781, Dec. 21, 2007]

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